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A Potential False Dawn : Banks, Oil, Tech, and Supplementary Leverage Ratios

Despite today’s head fake in bonds (yields surged but quickly retreated from their peaks), this Friday marks the seventh consecutive week in which the U.S. 10 year Treasury yield has risen. Real Vision senior editor Ash Bennington hosts managing editor Ed Harrison and editor Jack Farley to analyze how the continued sell-off in bonds is impacting bank stocks, tech equities, and the U.S. dollar. They explore how the Fed’s decision to let the SLR exemption expire will impact the bond market and banks. Ed updates viewers on Europe’s economic woes, and Jack gives a quick rundown of the wild gyrations in the oil market. The three also look at the rate hikes by the central banks of Turkey, Brazil, Norway, and Russia.

Guest Name
Jack Farley, Ash Bennington, and Ed Harrison
Keywords Name
Interview, Trading, Cryptocurrencies, Finance, Investing, Real Vision, Economics
Show Name
Daily Briefing
Content role