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The Incoming Commodity Supercycle

In a peer-to-peer conversation, Tian Yang and Simon White of Variant Perception explore how inflationary pressures could serve as rocket fuel for commodities such as gold and silver, as well as unloved hydrocarbons such as oil, gas, and even coal. White and Yang envision a world of "fiscal dominance" where huge budget deficits invite inflation the likes of which the U.S. hasn’t seen since the 1970s. In this inflationary regime, White and Yang argue, hard commodities will be a source of massive returns. Their thesis is also shaped by their theories on capital scarcity, in which the less capital is deployed in a sector, the greater potential for return. Filmed on October 28, 2020. Key learnings: Tian Yang and Simon White argue the world is on the brink of a new inflationary regime, driven by "fiscal dominance" and swollen central bank balance sheets, in which hard assets such as gold, silver, oil, gas, and coal will finally have their heyday. You can read more on the commodity supercycle here:

Guest Name
Tian Yang and Simon White
Anchor Name
Simon White
Keywords Name
Macro, Economics, Real Vision, Finance, Commodities, Monetary Policy, Investing, Inflation, Interest Rates, Fiscal Policy, Cryptocurrencies, Trading, Interview
Show Name
The Interview
Content role