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Hendry and Treue: The Immortal Trades

Hugh Hendry, founder and former CIO of Eclectica Asset Management, is joined by Bob Treue, founder of Barnegat Fund Management, to put on a clinic of idea generation. Due to its consistently high returns, Treue’s fund is ranked by Bloomberg as the world's #1 fixed-income arbitrage fund. Treue shares with Hendry his process for consistent success and recounts some several of his grand-slam trades -- from arbitraging the spread between U.S. Treasurys and their inflation-protected counterparts to relative value plays on the yield curve for U.K gilts. Hugh Hendry can be found on, on Instagram and Youtube as @hughhendryofficial, as well as on Twitter at @hendry_hugh.

Guest Name
Hugh Hendry and Bob Treue
Anchor Name
Hugh Hendry
Keywords Name
Has Everything Changed, Trading, Idea Generation, Real Vision, Finance, Portfolio Construction, Cryptocurrencies, Investing, Arbitrage, Bonds, Economics, Interview, Fixed Income
Show Name
The Interview