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Daily Briefing - August 28, 2020

Real Vision senior editor, Ash Bennington, and managing editor, Ed Harrison, react to the new U.S. consumer spending report out today from the Commerce Department. Despite gains for three consecutive months, momentum fell as the COVID-19 pandemic lingers and fiscal support dries up. They also discuss inflation rhetoric following yesterday's announcement from the Fed to keep interest rates lower for longer as well as the Fed's dual mandate and how they may need to retire the use of the Phillips Curve. Real Vision editor and reporter Haley Draznin is introduced for the first time to discuss her new role and what financial news stories she is keeping a close eye on.

Guest Name
Haley Draznin, Ash Bennington, and Ed Harrison
Keywords Name
Real Vision, Economics, Investing, Cryptocurrencies, Finance, Interview, Trading
Show Name
Daily Briefing