Contagion and Fear Hit Credit Suisse, What s Next?
U.S. markets sold off as fears of contagion in the banking sector have crossed the Atlantic. This morning, shares of Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse hit record lows after its largest shareholder, the Saudi National Bank, declined to add to its investment. Oil also took a spill, down nearly 6% as of this writing. On the market’s worst day since July 2022, Maggie Lake is joined by Julian Brigden of MI2 Partners and Cem Karsen of Kia Volatility to explain what’s driving the selloff at Credit Suisse and where the troubles could spring up next. You can find more of Julian’s work here: and more of Cem’s work here: We want to hear from you, so be sure to get your questions in.
Guest Name
Cem Karsan, Julian Brigden and Maggie Lake
Keywords Name
Cryptocurrencies, Interview, Finance, Trading, Economics, Investing
Show Name
Daily Briefing
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