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Phyt Cares To Celebrate 5th Anniversary at 2nd Annual Fundraiser

Phyt Cares, the non-profit arm of fitness facility Phyt NYC founded by Jonas Serrano and Elana Margulies-Snyderman, will celebrate its 5-Year Anniversary in New York City and 1-Year Anniversary in Puerto Rico at its 2nd Annual Fundraiser Tuesday evening, November 6th, at Le Reve, located at 125 East 54th St., New York, NY.

“We couldn’t be more excited to reach these milestones and continue to uplift more youth and communities in New York City and Puerto Rico through our fitness programs,” said Serrano. “However, our work isn’t done and we look forward to making an even greater impact. Through continuing our own initiatives, along with striking partnerships with other prominent organizations and associations, we are excited to inspire more participants.”

The fundraiser will include a silent auction, raffle and items for sale including T-shirts, key chains, coffee mugs and baseball caps. 100% of proceeds go to Phyt Cares.

In New York City, Phyt Cares is extremely proud to have relaunched is partnership this year with the New York City Department of Education and 8th graders at Issac Newton Middle School in East Harlem. In addition, it continues to uplift the top-performing women in hedge funds and finance, spearheaded by Co-Founder Elana Margulies-Snyderman.

In 2019, Phyt Cares plans on striking more partnerships with other prominent organisations including ones backed by Help for Children, formerly called Hedge Funds Care. In Puerto Rico, Phyt Cares has also embraced numerous youth and communities, highlighted by its alliance with Gimnasio de Boxeo La Perla in La Perla neighborhood of San Juan, along with professional and amateur athletes, local business owners/entrepreneurs, artists, women and more.

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