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Man Group-Sponsored Mathematics Team Places in Top Quartile

The 2019 European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO), an annual international mathematics competition, concluded recently, and the UK team, which is selected by the UK Mathematics Trust and sponsored by Man Group's diversified quantitative investment manager Man AHL, placed 5th out of 50 participating teams.

The team's best performer, 15 year-old Yuka Machino, achieved a score of 33/42 and ranked joint 9th among 196 competitors, winning a Gold Medal. Joining Yuka in the UK team were Naomi Bazlov, Yihua Luo and Sarah Gleghorn, who each achieved a Silver Medal for their scores.

EGMO is the most prestigious maths competition of its kind in the world. The 2019 competition was the eighth annual event and was held in Kyiv, Ukraine. It saw 50 teams competing, each made up of four  female  mathematicians of  school age. The UK team was identified through a rigorous selection process involving a series  of  competitions, including the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls and the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1, which are held in UK schools and organised by the UKMT.

Rachel Greenhalgh, Director of the UKMT, said:

"I would like to congratulate Naomi, Sarah, Yihua and Yuka for their fantastic performance in the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad! These results reflect the sustained hard work and dedication of the students, as well as their extraordinary mathematical and problem-solving abilities. We are thrilled to see their talent and enthusiasm being recognised."

Sandy Rattray, Chief Investment Officer of Man Group, said:

"On behalf of everyone at Man Group, I warmly congratulate  Naomi, Sarah, Yihua and Yuka on their performance at  the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad. The Olympiad plays an important role in showcasing the talent of exceptional young female mathematicians, and the UK team's success  is an impressive  and important  achievement. As ever, we are very proud to support the UKMT and the work it does in inspiring students in the UK to get involved in advanced mathematics and encouraging the next generation of female talent to pursue their passion for the subject."

Man AHL has worked with the UKMT since 2006 and sponsored the UK team at EGMO since the 2015 competition, as part of Man Group's aim to support and encourage female talent, and the firm's charitable commitment to numeracy and literacy. This initiative forms part of Man Group's Paving the Way campaign, announced in 2018, which has a long-term goal of enhancing diversity and inclusion across the firm and within the investment industry more broadly.

The UKMT is a registered charity whose aim is to advance the education of children and young people in mathematics, organising national mathematics competitions and other mathematical enrichment activities for 11-18  year  old  UK school pupils.

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