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Kapor Foundation Gives $1 Million in Grant Funding to Social Justice Organizations

Kapor Foundation announced today that they are giving $1 million in grant funding to national civil rights and local grassroots organizations focused on voter education and engagement, voter and election protection, and building political power within black and brown communities.

Grants range from $15,000 to $100,000 and are announced during National Voter Registration Week (Sept. 21 - 25) as a part of the Kapor Center family of organizations' 100 Days of Action for Racial Justice Campaign to support the mobilization of black and brown communities in upcoming local, state, and national elections.

Kapor Foundation selected 27 recipients, prioritizing organizations led by people of colour and those with a track record of engaging black and brown voters across the country and local regions where the Kapor Center organizations operate programs.

"As we continue the fight for racial justice, we understand that civic engagement is critical to our democracy, to dismantling disparities, and to our work to enhance diversity in technology," said Allison Scott, CEO of the Kapor Foundation. "We believe in the importance of supporting leaders of color working directly with communities of color, and are honored to support these organizations to continue their critical work. We encourage others to join us."

The Kapor Center family of organizations—Kapor FoundationKapor Capital, and SMASH - work together to "holistically transform the tech and venture capital ecosystems by addressing multiple holes in the leaky tech talent pipeline". SMASH addresses entry into the tech pipeline by preparing young people of color with STEM skills and creating the next generation of tech employees, entrepreneurs, and investors. Kapor Capital addresses the entrepreneurship piece of the pipeline, funding gap-closing tech companies that provide innovative solutions for low-income communities and communities of color. The Kapor Foundation is doubling-down on efforts to dismantle educational inequity by focusing on closing the digital divide and increasing equity in computer science education, advancing economic justice by dismantling barriers to entry into the tech sector, and advocating for policy change at all levels.

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