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Funds 4 Food Online Capital Introduction Event To Benefit Covid-19 Victims

The alternative investment industry is coming together to aid relief efforts for the victims of COVID-19. From June 15 to July 2, 2020, iConnections, a provider of customized networking software and customized solutions for financial services firms, will host Funds 4 Food - an online fundraiser that will facilitate a series of private capital introduction meetings between alternative investment managers and allocators. All proceeds from event registrations will be donated to charities focused on COVID-19 hunger relief.

“Recognizing the devastating increase in the number of people who are facing food insecurity as a result of the pandemic, I realized I was sitting on a powerful network of people who have the ability and desire to make a difference,” said Ron Biscardi, founder of iConnections. “Based on the immediate response from our early participants, including large institutional investors, leading investment managers, global prime brokers, and even renowned economists, we are confident that our event will encourage workable investment ideas, as well as solve a hunger problem facing those most impacted by the pandemic.”

Funds 4 Food will be structured as a network that matches allocators to managers for a series of private meetings that will occur via videoconference between June 15th and July 2nd. To date, some of the most prestigious allocators in investing, including Brown University, Cambridge University, Johns Hopkins University, the Hewlett Foundation, the Packard Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Veritable and Yale University, have confirmed their participation in the fundraiser.

All proceeds generated through manager registrations will be distributed to charities focused on hunger relief for victims of Covid-19.

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