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AlphaWeek Q&A: Martin S. Foont, GlobeTax

GlobeTax has long been a supporter of A Leg To Stand On’s ‘Rocktoberfest’ events in New York, and is supporting the 2018 London edition of the event, which will be held June 6th. GlobeTax CEO & President Martin S. Foont tells AlphaWeek’s Greg Winterton about the firm’s charitable initiatives.

GW: Marty, thanks for taking the time. GlobeTax has been supporting A Leg To Stand On and the Rocktoberfest events for a while. What was the catalyst for GlobeTax getting involved with ALTSO in the first place?

MF: Thanks for having us, Greg. GlobeTax has a history of supporting a range of causes and industry-organised charities, particularly when the beneficiaries are children. We decided to get involved with ALTSO and Rocktoberfest about five years ago; some friends at Credit Suisse spoke glowingly of the cause. After attending a few events and getting a feel for the organisation, we pulled together a company band – The Rolling Globes – so we could expand our participation even more.

GW: What is it about the London event that resonates with your firm?

MF: The New York event keeps getting better and better, so it seemed like the London event would be the logical next step. We have a business development team in the city and a number of valued clients. For us, the chance to mingle with them while serving an excellent cause was a win-win.

GW: Charitable involvement is clearly important to GlobeTax. What other causes does the firm support?

MF: Although GlobeTax has been in business since 1992, the firm is very young – nearly half of our employees are under 30. As a result, causes and organisations that raise money to benefit children are close to our hearts. Because of this focus, I have worked with the New York Center for Children for a number of years, and we are a long-time sponsor of Help for Children (formerly Hedge Funds Care), among other organisations.

GW: Back to ALTSO, what is it about the organisation’s mission that resonates with your firm. 

MF: As a fellow NYC-headquartered firm with worldwide operations, we share ALTSO’s global outlook. Our employees come from more than 20 countries, speak 33 languages, and work with clients in 40+ countries and dozens of foreign tax authorities every day. During our travels and interactions, we have come to see first-hand how lucky we are in comparison to many, and feel compelled to give back in a global way because we are such a global firm.

In particular, one of the reasons we so appreciate ALTSO is the organisation’s cost-effectiveness. As a small private company, we can’t always match the fundraising prowess of global corporations. However, because ALTSO makes a huge difference in each child’s life at minimal cost, we know that every dollar we give to the organisation delivers an outsised impact.

GW: What’s been the most rewarding part of your association with ALTSO so far?

MF: Without a doubt, knowing that we are making a tangible difference in the lives of children is the biggest reward. However, we also really enjoy the process. Participating in Rocktoberfest builds morale across our firm– everyone rallies around the house band – but also in NYC’s financial services community at large. It’s one thing to meet industry peers in meetings during the day, but another to see them onstage delivering an impromptu guitar solo. The event brings out a more human side of industry colleagues, everyone just loosens their ties, kicks off their heels, and has a good time for a great cause.


Martin S. Foont is CEO & President at GlobeTax

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