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AlphaWeek Q&A: Adam Palmer, Partner, ACA Compliance

Regulatory compliance, performance, financial crime, and cybersecurity risk management and technology provider ACA Compliance is supporting A Leg To Stand On’s ‘Rocktoberfest London’ event in June. ACA Partner Adam Palmer took some time to discuss his firm’s philanthropic strategy.

GW: Adam, thanks for taking the time. ACA Compliance is supporting ALTSO’s ‘Rocktoberfest London’ event in June. What prompted ACA to get involved?

AP: Hi Greg. One of our longstanding clients has one of the bands on the bill at the event. Our main contact there introduced me to the opportunity with A Leg To Stand On and it went from there. I wasn’t familiar with the organisation or the event previously, but after doing our research, we realised it was a great fit.

GW: You’re also supporting Rocktoberfest NYC in October. Does the fact that the event is now on both sides of the Atlantic resonate from a strategic perspective?

AP: It does. If you look at our 2 main markets, ACA has about 40 people in our London office and approximately 460 in the US. A lot of our work is with clients who have a presence in both the US and Europe. It’s a nice fit for us that there’s the same event on both sides of the Atlantic.

GW: Tell us more about what ACA’s charitable initiatives more generally. What has ACA been doing in previous years to support the non-profit sector?

AP:  We had an initiative called ACA Disaster Relief in 2017 that raised a total of $70,054 – all gathered from ACA Corporate and ACA employees.  The funds were donated to Habitat for Humanity in Houston, TX; Southern Florida, and Puerto Rico to assist with rebuilding homes lost in the 2017 hurricanes. In addition, ACA offices participate in many charitable events in the communities which we call home. We’re also in the process of putting together a framework for a much larger program called ‘ACA Gives Back’.

GW: What is it specifically about ALTSO’s mission that resonates with ACA Compliance?

AP: I think that the question is ‘how couldn’t you support the aims and objectives of a charity which helps children with life changing injuries’? The idea of being able to directly change somebody’s life – someone much less fortunate than yourself who has had a trauma or injury, or disability from birth - and impact their life in a positive way and to help them in the long term resonates powerfully.

GW: Finally, what are your hopes and expectations for the event?

AP: When we think about the event, we want our team to have a good time and being able to see a client on stage will be fun. It’s an opportunity to enjoy some downtime with our own people and our clients. If we’re having a good time and supporting a charity at the same time, then so much the better.

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