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Man Group Makes Donation to King's College Mathematics School

Listed investment manager Man Group has made a 'significant' donation to King’s College London Mathematics School, a specialist state-funded school in South East London for gifted mathematicians aged 16-19. The money will support the school as it brings high quality mathematics education to students who have a particular aptitude and enthusiasm for the subject.

King’s Maths School is run in partnership with King’s College London and is focused on providing education opportunities for the brightest young aspiring mathematicians in and around London. In particular, the school offers a genuine access route for students who come from backgrounds that are often underrepresented in mathematical sciences – around 40% of current students are from financially challenging backgrounds and 37% are female. These figures are considerably higher than the respective proportions studying STEM subjects in the broader population.

Reflecting its mission to widen participation in mathematical degrees and careers, the Kings's College Maths class of 2018 achieved exceptional results: 59% of all entries were A* grades, 89% were A*/A, and 97% were A*/A/B. Since its opening in September 2014, 201 students have graduated from the school and progressed to study STEM subjects at leading universities in the UK and North America.

Over three consecutive academic years, Man Group’s charitable contributions will support four areas of activity to help advance the education of the school’s students:

  1. Develop a network between new mathematics schools which are planned to open across the UK
  2. Help the school continue to attract highly qualified, outstanding teachers and staff
  3. Establish an alumni programme for King’s Maths School, which will benefit existing and future cohorts
  4. Build new partnerships and improve external relations within the academic community and industry

In addition, Man Group intends to facilitate an engagement programme between its employees and King’s Maths School, which includes the development of bespoke internship and work experience programmes for the students; access to the firm’s events, including machine learning and technology seminars; as well as a speaker programme led by Man Group colleagues at King’s Maths School. 

Dan Abramson, Head Teacher of King’s Maths School, said:

”A core aim of King’s Maths School is to widen participation in the mathematical sciences, and we are delighted to have found in Man Group an enthusiastic and committed partner to support this mission. Man Group’s donation and partnership will substantially enrich the opportunities available not only to our current and future students, but also to our growing community of alumni and, through the UK maths schools network, to young mathematicians all over the country.” 

Sandy Rattray, Chief Investment Officer of Man Group, said:

“King’s Maths School plays an important role in helping exceptional mathematicians grow and sustain their interest in the subject, and we are delighted to be able to support the school’s mission as it cultivates the pipeline of young talent in this area. Mathematics underpins much of the work we do at Man Group, particularly within our quantitative investment engines. As part of our Paving the Way campaign, this initiative is another step in our efforts to encourage the continued development of diversity in STEM subjects and careers, both within our industry and beyond.”

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