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100 Women In Finance Offers Free Membership to 2020 Graduates

Those graduating university in 2020 wishing to break into the job market face a difficult challenge, but global, practitioner-driven non-profit 100 Women in Finance is providing a little help by extending a free one-year 100 Women in Finance membership to any 2020 university graduate earning a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

100WF CEO Amanda Pullinger said, “With this offer, we are demonstrating our commitment to our mission – to support women at each career stage. This has been a particularly tough year for recent graduates who were not able to participate in their graduation ceremonies, and now face a challenging job market. We want help them take their first steps into a career in the finance industry.”

2020 graduates who become 100WF members via this special offer will enjoy all the features of 100WF’s Global Standard membership level including invitations to attend 100WF’s global education programs, access to recorded content for on-demand viewing, access to its NextGen Group – a global peer network and programming platform for those in early-stage finance industry careers, invitations to special events hosted by external organizations, access to the 100WF JobBoard, entitlement to 100WF’s Membership Benefits (such as discounts on industry education certificate programs, resources and conferences), and the opportunity to engage in 100WF’s global Impact initiatives.

Chaitali Patel, 100WF’s Global Director of Pre-Career Initiatives, added, “We hope this offer shows 2020 graduates – especially women – that the finance industry is home to a vibrant community of people who welcome their arrival and are eager to help them on-board into a meaningful career path with great potential to create social value.”

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